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Our History

In October 1998, two teenage boys — Brian (17) and Jeremy (19) — led a Gospel Tent Meeting along Route 274 in the village of Roseglen on the property of William Reed near Cook Road. Ninety-seven people showed up for the second night of the meeting. Veteran God’s Missionary Evangelist, Fred Watson, did the preaching. Unknowingly, this was the foundational meeting of Duncannon God’s Missionary Church.

Annual Tent Meetings were held in the autumn of 1999 and 2000. In October of 2001, a fourth evangelistic meeting was conducted in the Duncannon EMS Building on Shermanata Drive. David Wise and Jeremy Fuller alternated in preaching.  Twenty-one people publicly sought to be saved or sanctified in this meeting. This confirmed that God was leading those young men to launch out into a brand-new church plant.

The inaugural service was March 17, 2002, with 35 people in attendance. For five years the congregation met in the Penn Township Municipal Building. These were good years with 432 different people attending the church in the first 18 months.

In the Spring of 2007, the congregation purchased the Otterbein United Methodist Church on High Street. On March 17, 2007, the building was dedicated anew to the Glory of God with 71 people in attendance.

Nearly two decades have come and gone. Hundreds of precious souls have heard the Gospel boldly proclaimed. Until Jesus comes to raise the dead and gather His own, “Holiness Unto the Lord” will be our watch-word and song!

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